Exceeding a broiler index of 500 with Bábolna Feed

Exceeding a broiler index of 500 with Bábolna Feed

The fattening period of broiler chickens has drastically shortened in recent decades: a broiler chicken increases its hatching weight 50-fold in 6 weeks’ time, by the time it reaches its
Posted on 2020.05.04.
Hydrogel – benefits enclosed in water

Hydrogel – benefits enclosed in water

For broiler lines of intensive growth rate, a good start is essential for the maximum utilization of their genetic potential. Reports in both the Hungarian and the international literature call
Posted on 2020.05.04.
Platinum Zero – for sustainable performance

Platinum Zero – for sustainable performance

Currently the use of zinc-oxide (ZnO) mixed into the feed in a therapeutic dose (2500–3000 mg Zn per kg of feed) is the least expensive, most effective and most widespread
Posted on 2020.05.04.