We published part 1 of our article “Let’s bring the sow back to “balance” https://www.babolnatakarmany.hu/en/lets-bring-the-sow-back-to-balance-part-1/ in the previous edition of Farm Info and discussed an important aspect of feeding the modern hybrid sow: setting the optimal dietary electrolyte balance and what physiological effects it has during...

The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture and the Association of Hungarian Farmers' Associations and Farmers' Cooperatives initiated the announcement of another prolonged water shortage period at the Interior Ministry. Although there is no drought yet, water shortage has been critical in the Alföld region since March. During...

Modern hyperprolific sows and their piglets face numerous challenges during their lives. Rearing a litter is not an easy task in itself, let alone with improved genetics resulting in increasing litter sizes, longer duration of farrowing, milk production being an issue, lower birth weight, decreased...