Cattle farmers cannot really complain of this year’s weather so far, as 2021 had the coldest April of the century but then May was also colder than the average. This was favourable with a view to heat stress, but caused a 2- to 3-week delay...

In recent years, Bonafarm-Bábolna Feed Ltd. has been offering its Silver, Gold and Platinum diets for turkey growers. These three diet lines have been renewed several times and have become well differentiated in price and nutrient content over the years, thus enabling turkey producers to...

The abrupt development experienced in practically all fields of the economy was palpable also in the field of animal production and, within that, also in pig breeding. The technical parameters of the farms (number of piglets born, daily body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, etc.)...

The year 2020 presented Hungarian poultry producers with major challenges. The avian influenza virus started to spread in February and eventually decimated our poultry population. This year’s outbreak unfortunately took a heavy toll, killing twice as many poultry as the outbreak in 2016–2017. So far...

Relying on their multiple-decade experience, the accredited service laboratories of Bonafarm Agriculture in Mohács and Nagyigmánd offer reliable physical, chemical and microbiological tests of soil, plant, water, sewage, irrigation water, cereal, forage, feed and food samples. In the course of our laboratory development activities we...