In the old days it was often thought that ‘the goat is the poor man’s cow’. Although the goat is one of the farm animal species that had been domesticated the longest time ago (in the late Stone Age, around the start of the Neolithic...

Currently the use of zinc-oxide (ZnO) mixed into the feed in a therapeutic dose (2500–3000 mg Zn per kg of feed) is the least expensive, most effective and most widespread method of preventing post-weaning diarrhoea and oedema disease caused by E. coli in piglets. However,...

For broiler lines of intensive growth rate, a good start is essential for the maximum utilization of their genetic potential. Reports in both the Hungarian and the international literature call attention to the multiple beneficial effects of early feeding on the development and growth of...

The fattening period of broiler chickens has drastically shortened in recent decades: a broiler chicken increases its hatching weight 50-fold in 6 weeks’ time, by the time it reaches its slaughter weight. While in the 1950s a broiler chicken needed 120 days to attain 1.5...

More and more scientific papers deal with the correlations between calf rearing and subsequent performance. The data published in these articles demonstrate that calf rearing influences the time of the first breeding, the age at first calving and milk production in the first lactation. This...