

Let’s bring the sow back to “balance”, Part 1

Modern hyperprolific sows and their piglets face numerous challenges during their lives. Rearing a litter is not an easy task in itself, let alone with improved genetics resulting in increasing

Research and development in broiler duck nutrition

The water fowl sector is export oriented with Hungarian specialty products and plays an important role in the Hungarian national economy. Meanwhile the sector has been affected by a number
NIR infravörös spektroszkópia

Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy for precision in the feed manufacturing process

The objective of Bonafarm-Bábolna Takarmány Ltd. is to provide high quality products to its partners both in Hungary and at an international level. To achieve this, it is crucial to
Mikotoxin vizsgálat

Mitigating mycotoxin risks in practice

Bonafarm-Bábolna Takarmány Ltd. is committed to satisfying the demands of its customers and stakeholders. In this regard we use state-of-the-art technology and innovation in manufacturing our feeds to provide safe