Genetic progress presents numerous problems in pig production: litters become less and less uniform and the number of piglets born with relatively low body weight is increasing. The growth period of newborn piglets (up to the time of weaning) is a critical phase in pork production.
The sow and the balancing of litters alone are not sufficient for raising large litters, and other technological and nutritional solutions are also needed. One of the greatest challenges of pig management and nutrition in the 21st century is to create more homogeneous litters at a large litter size and to save the highest possible number of piglets born with a low body weight, thus maximizing the weaning weight at such large litter sizes.
These aspects were taken into consideration when creating the products of our Piglet-saving Program, which were developed according to principles conforming to the modern genetic lines, in a unique manner, relying on our own test results (e.g. determination of the nutrient content of sow milk samples).
With the products included in our Piglet-saving Program, we create optimum conditions for the piglets already from the time of their birth and offer them nutritional solutions that work well in the farrowing house.
Malac panír [Piglet ‘coat in breadcrumbs’]
A large proportion of piglet deaths in the farrowing house take place in the first 24 hours; therefore, it is a fundamentally important task is to provide optimum environmental conditions for the piglets already from the time of their birth. Any loss of heat and energy lowers the survival chances of piglets in the first moments after birth; therefore, by drying off the piglets immediately after birth we can increase the chances of being able to wean the highest possible number of piglets. Our Malac panír product helps to adsorb moisture and, thanks to its volatile oil content, has antibacterial effect; thus, it can be used for improving the conditions of farrowing hygiene.
Platinum Milk+
When developing our Platinum Milk+ milk replacer, we balanced the nutrient content of the milk substitute by determining the composition of milk samples taken from today’s modern hyperprolific sows. The special constituents of the product (e.g. probiotics, medium-chain fatty acids, immunoglobulins) help create and maintain a stable intestinal microflora while preventing the growth of harmful microorganisms (e.g. E. coli, Salmonella, Clostridium) and strengthening the immune system. The complete dissolution of Platinum Milk+ makes it suitable for problem-free use also in automatic milk-feeding systems.
In experiments conducted at the Product Development and Follow-up Research Centre of Kaposvár University, the use of Platinum Milk+ made it possible to wean one piglet more than the farm average (14 piglets/sow).
According to our calculations made on the basis of the results obtained in a large-scale farm trial conducted at the 1500-sow Szilfáspuszta nucleus farm of Bonafarm Agriculture, by the use of Platinum Milk+ the number of weaned piglets can be increased by 2480 piglets per year in a 1500-sow farm, considering a litter index of 2.3 and an average live-born litter size of 16.3 piglets.
Platinum Baby
In order to ensure the success of piglet rearing, the adaptation of piglets to solid feed should be started already in the farrowing house; therefore, in addition to giving the milk replacer, we recommend the feeding of Platinum Baby piglet creep feed from the 4th or 5th day of life. The composition of this creep feed, consisting of highly digestible constituents and containing a high proportion of dairy products, is perfectly adapted to the development of the piglets’ digestive enzyme secretion. In addition to supplemental feeding, the goal of feeding this creep feed is to ‘teach’ the piglet to eat and familiarize it with solid feed.
Platinum-PF and Platinum CP prestarter
The name ‘Platinum’ reflects the usual high quality typical of our concentrate product range and piglet feeds; however, when developing these products we wished to avoid the use of porcine blood plasma opposed by many specialists but retain positive effects well-documented for porcine blood plasma (e.g. higher feed intake, more uniform growth, better immune response, etc.). According to the results of experiments conducted at the Product development and Follow-up Research Centre of Kaposvár University, the Platinum products successfully elicited the ‘plasma effect’, as no statistically significant differences could be found in the performance parameters either in the prestarter or in the starter phase between the plasma-containing product and the Platinum products. Field trials conducted on a higher number (n = 2304) of piglets (Bonafarm Agriculture, Pig Division, Ács) also demonstrated that the new products successfully elicited the ‘plasma effect’.
In order to obtain the best results, we recommend that the feeding of the Platinum-PF Prestarter be followed by the use of the Bona Piglet Starter (12.5%) concentrate.
Our experience shows that in farms with a lower animal health status a substantial proportion of digestive problems can be avoided or reduced by feeding diets of lower crude protein level. Our Platinum-CP Prestarter was formulated according to these guidelines.
Irrespective of whether the diarrhoea is caused by a pathogen, a nutritional problem or stress, besides eliminating and treating the eliciting cause it is indispensable to hydrate the animals and to provide electrolyte replenishment. Our Crémolit electrolyte supplement provides a solution for these problems. Thanks to its optimum composition, it contains all the necessary electrolytes and also provides an easily absorbable source of energy for the piglets. Its probiotic content helps restore the intestinal microflora, while the vitamins and organic microelements contained by the product support the general health status and immune system of the animals.